Dry eye treatment that works

Dry eye syndrome is a chronic condition that causes itching, burning and redness of the eyes. In severe cases, it can cause blurred vision and light sensitivity.

Without effective treatment, dry eye syndrome can compromise your overall quality of life. The good news is you don’t have to suffer from dry eyes anymore.

At EyeSite of The Villages, we are pleased to offer MiBo Thermoflo to our patients, an innovative and affordable dry eye treatment that provides lasting relief by addressing the underlying cause of dry eyes rather than merely treating the symptoms.

How MiBo Thermoflo works

Dry eye syndrome occurs when either the quality or quantity of your tears has been compromised. The most common cause of dry eyes is having tears that evaporate too quickly due to a problem with the oil glands in your eyes. MiBo Thermoflo is a medical device that applies heat to these oil glands to boost their function, thus preventing rapid evaporation of tears.

Advantages of MiBo Thermoflo

MiBo Thermoflo is a safe, affordable and effective therapy for dry eyes. Here’s why you should consider this dry eye treatment from your eye doctor at EyeSite of The Villages:


You can expect relief from your dry eye symptoms immediately after undergoing the treatment.


Unlike other dry eye treatment methods that simply work to alleviate symptoms, MiBo Thermoflo addresses the root cause of your dry eyes, thus offering a lasting solution.


This treatment involves a soothing massage that provides a relaxing experience for patients.


MiBo Thermoflo has a 95% patient satisfaction rate.

“…not a dry eye in the house.”

Contact Us

If you find yourself wondering, “Is there an eye doctor near me?” The answer is YES!
EyeSite proudly serves the community for all your eye care needs.
By car or Golf Cart, visit us at our newest location in the Grand Traverse “Publix” Plaza just west of the Paddock Square at Brownwood® on State Road 44 and Powell Road or on Everglades Lane at Magnolia Plaza.