Call us today at (352) 674-3937 for an eye exam appointment
Having your eye exams done annually is one of the most important and responsible things you can do to keep your eyes healthy regardless of age or physical health.
Regular visits to the eye doctor are key, as an optometrist or ophthalmologist can make sure the health of your eyes and vision are staying consistent and not degrading or developing a serious eye condition or disease.
During your comprehensive eye exam, your eye doctor does much more than just determine your prescription for eyeglasses and contact lenses. He or she will also examine the eye for common eye diseases, assess how your eyes work together as a team and evaluate your eyes as an indicator for your overall health and wellness. Further, with the aid of advanced instrumentation and testing, many eye related diseases and disorders can be diagnosed and treated before having any impact on your overall vision.
A few common types of eye conditions and diseases we examine for
A vision condition that causes blurred vision due either to the irregular shape of the cornea, the clear front cover of the eye, or sometimes the curvature of the lens inside the eye.
A cataract is a clouding of the lens in the eye that affects vision. Most cataracts are related to aging. Cataracts are very common in older people. By age 80, more than half of all Americans either have a cataract or have had cataract surgery.FLOATERS
Floaters are little “cobwebs” or specks that float about in your field of vision. They are small, dark, shadowy shapes that can look like spots, thread-like strands, or squiggly lines.
Glaucoma is a group of eye conditions that can lead to severe vision loss, and cause damage to the optic nerve which conveys information from your eye to the brain.HYPEROPIA
Hyperopia is more commonly known as farsightedness. This condition involves an individual being able to see objects that are at a distance better than those that are up close such as text in a book or computer monitors.MACULAR DEGENERATION
Age-related macular degeneration is a disease that damages the macula. The macula allows for central vision and also enables color vision and the ability to resolve fine detail. The damage caused by macular degeneration can lead to central vision loss.